Computer Science Club » By Laws

By Laws

Deer Park High School
Computer Science Club Bylaws


Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be the "Computer Science Club."


Article II: Purpose

The purpose of this club is to foster an interest in computer science and technology 
among high school students by providing educational opportunities, projects, and 


Article III: Membership

Membership is open to all students currently enrolled at Deer Park High School
with an interest in computer science.

Members are expected to attend meetings regularly and participate in club 

There shall be no discrimination based on race, gender, religion, or disability.


Article IV: Officers

The officers of the club shall be:



Vice President



Public Relations Officer


Duties of Officers:

President: Preside over meetings, represent the club in official matters, and 
coordinate activities.

Vice President: Assist the President and preside over meetings in the 
President’s absence.

Secretary: Maintain meeting minutes, manage correspondence, and keep 
records of membership.

Treasurer: Manage the club’s finances, prepare budgets, and keep 
accurate financial records.

Public Relations Officer: Handle publicity, manage social media, and 
promote the club’s activities.


Election of Officers:

Elections will be held annually during the last meeting of the school year.

President and Vice President candidates must be a member of the club for 
at least one school year unless nobody else apply for the position

Nominations will be accepted from the floor and must be seconded.

Voting will be by secret ballot and a simple majority is required to elect an 

The candidate officer who has the most votes by members during the 
meeting of the schedule voting will be the winner of the election

Term of Office:

Each officer shall serve for one academic school year and may be re-elected.



Article V: Meetings

Regular meetings shall be held first and second Monday of a month at 4:10 P.M.

Special meetings may be called by the President or by a majority of the officers.

A quorum, defined as half of the active membership plus one, must be present to 
conduct official business.


Article VI: Committees

The club may establish committees as needed, such as:
o Event Planning Committee
o Fundraising Committee
o Outreach Committee



Each committee shall be chaired by a member appointed by the President.


Article VII: Amendments

These bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the members present at a 
regular meeting.

Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to the Secretary at least one 
week prior to the meeting.


Article VIII: Finances

The club may raise funds through events, donations, and other legal means.

All expenditures must be approved by the Treasurer and one other officer.

An annual financial report shall be presented to the members at the end of the 
school year.


Article IX: Code of Conduct

Members are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and professional 
manner during all club activities.

Any behavior that disrupts the club's operations or is harmful to other members 
may result in disciplinary action, including expulsion from the club.


Article X: Dissolution

In the event of the dissolution of the club, any remaining assets shall be donated 
to [a suitable organization or charity] after settling all liabilities