PHONES: (832)  668-7300 EXT: 72732 (8:00 - 10:22 @  North Campus) 
PHONES: (832)  668-7200 EXT: 72334 (11:24 - 4:00 @ South Campus)
ROOMS:   2732 (8:00 - 10:22 @ North Campus)
ROOMS:   2334 (11:24 - 4:00 @ South Campus)


As a teacher, it is my mission to provide and maximize the learning opportunities and experiences that are enjoyable and inspiring to my students, motivate them to become lifelong learners…

        As a teacher, it is my mission to establish collaborative relationship with parents/guardians, co-teachers, administrators and others that will reinforce my students’ success in education…

As a teacher, it is my mission to support the philosophy and policies of the school and district that I am working with, to be an active contributor to the organization’s development, improvement, advancement and accomplishments…

As a teacher, it is my mission to live up to the expectations of a highly qualified Texas Certified Teacher and support the standards, goals and objectives of the State…

As a teacher, it is my mission to be zealous to my profession and seek continuous professional growth and development, enhancement of teaching skills and be a reflective Mathematics and Computer Science teacher…

As a teacher, it is my mission to lead my life and practice my profession morally, ethically and honorably upright.